Troodos Charity Challenge 2015
In October 2015 a group of like minded friends will embark on what will be for some of us the challenge of a lifetime. We aim to cycle on mountain bikes from the picturesque village of Pano Arodes to the summit of Mount Olympus the highest point in Cyprus. This epic adventure will take us through some of the countries most beautiful scenery and will take somewhere between 8 and 10 hours to travel 95km with an estimated climb of around 3000m.
None of the group are what you would describe as spring chickens infact the age of the participants ranges from 51 to 61 years old so you can imagine leading up to the event the effort and strength of mind required will require a serious amount of training and commitment. During the many weeks it will take to prepare it would be nice to think we could all raise as much money as we can for a group of Charities that are very close to our heart.
We therefore ask each of you that are reading this to do as much as you can to share this event amongst friends either on facebook, email, telephone or just over dinner.
You can support these causes by giving in three different ways:-
1. In person [We will list you on a sponsor form]
2. By Bank Transfer [Click Here To Leave Your Pledge And I Will Send Bank Details]
3. By going to our Just Giving web site [link will be here very soon]
The whole group of participants who will be listed here very soon will cross the 95km mark together at the very top of Mount Olympus mid afternoon on Thursday 29th October 2015 so it would be lovely to see as many supporters as possible scattered along the length of Stage 5 and of course to cheer us cross the line at the top.
On completion of the challenge we will update this page to publicise how much we have raised and to publish film and photographs of this epic journey so please give generously.
As you can see from this picture it is a long way away so we have broken the ride into 5 stages with some rough estimates of times to conquer each stage. Click on each stage picture for a more detailed view.